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Native Wildflowers and Other Ground Covers for Florida Landscapes

In this engaging and authoritative guide, ecologist and avid gardener Craig Huegel offers valuable information to anyone interested in integrating native ground covers into an outdoor space.

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Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Colonial Campeche: History and Archaeology

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Natural History of West Indian Reptiles and Amphibians

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The Nature of Plants: An Introduction to How Plants Work

Plants play a critical role in how we experience our environment. They create calming green spaces, provide oxygen for us to breathe, and nourish our senses. In The Nature of Plants, ecologist and nursery owner Craig Huegel demystifies the complex lives of plants and provides readers with an elucidating journey into their inner and outer workings.  

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The Nature of Value: Axiological Investigations

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Navigating Life and Work in Old Republic São Paulo

In this volume, Molly Ball examines the experiences of São Paulo’s working class during Brazil’s Old Republic, combining social and economic methods to present a robust historical analysis of everyday life along racial, ethnic, national, and gender lines.

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Nazi POWs in the Tar Heel State

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Negotiated Settlements: Andean Communities and Landscapes under Inka and Spanish Colonialism

A multidisciplinary--indeed, transdisciplinary--combination of archaeological, historical, and ethnographic research reveals how the Andean people of southern Peru's Colca Valley experienced and responded to successive waves of colonial rule by the Inka and Spanish empires from the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries.

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Negotiating Heritage through Education and Archaeology: Colonialism, National Identity, and Resistance in Belize

Combining years of ethnographic research with British imperial archival sources, this book reveals how cultural heritage has been negotiated by colonial, independent state, and community actors in Belize from the late nineteenth century to the present.