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Bid Me to Live

In the riveting and intense Bid Me to Live, H.D. documents her traumatic experiences during WWI on which she blamed a number of personal tragedies, including a stillborn child, the end of her marriage, and her pained relationship with D. H. Lawrence.

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The Mystery

A hybrid novel combining modernist stream-of-consciousness and medieval legend, The Mystery completes H.D.'s cycle of romances following The Sword Went Out to Sea and White Rose and the Red. It reveals her feminist theology and writes finis to her obsession with spiritualism. Jane Augustine's introduction and extensive notes provide a significantly enlarged view of H.D.'s religious thinking.

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White Rose and the Red

Never before published, White Rose and the Red is the fictional biography of Elizabeth Siddall, wife of English poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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Majic Ring

Set during the World War II air raids in London, H.D.'s fascinating and visionary novel, Majic Ring, documents her spiritualist activities during this time.

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The Sword Went Out to Sea: (Synthesis of a Dream), by Delia Alton

Never before published, The Sword Went Out to Sea is the first book in H.D.'s prose trilogy that continues with White Rose and the Red and concludes with The Mystery. This complex, semi-autobiographical novel combines H.D.'s interest in the occult and experiences during the Blitz, and sheds light on the aesthetics and origins of literary modernism.