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Wrecked aircraft and abandoned airfields, old highway billboards and derelict boats, movie props, deserted mining operations. In this book, archaeologist P.J. Capelotti explores places and things that people don’t typically think of as archaeological sites and artifacts, introducing readers to the most extreme fieldwork taking place today.
Ideal for gardeners new to Florida as well as residents who want to try their hands at gardening for the first time, this starter guide helps readers learn to grow plants in the state’s unique natural environment.
Affective Materialities breaks ground by reexamining modernist theorizations of the body, opening up artistic, political, and ethical possibilities at the intersection of affect theory and ecocriticism, two recent directions in literary studies not typically brought into conversation.
This collection of essays and art explores how Florida both shapes and is shaped by the multiple African diasporas that move through it.
With essays by Cynthia Becker, Sarah Fee, Jordan A. Fenton, Suzanne Gott, Courtnay Micots, Robin Poynor, Christopher Richards, Victoria L. Rovine, and MacKenzie Moon Ryan