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Obdurate Brilliance

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The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange: Bioarchaeological Explorations of Atypical Burials

Abnormal burial practices have long been a source of fascination and debate within the fields of mortuary archaeology and bioarchaeology. The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange investigates an unparalleled geographic and temporal range of burials that differ from the usual customs of their broader societies, emphasizing the importance of a holistic, context-driven approach to these intriguing cases.  

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The Odyssey of an African Slave

Powerful, mesmerizing narrative of the life of an African-born slave

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The Officers of the CSS Shenandoah

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Ogling Ladies: Scopophilia in Medieval German Literature

The love of looking, or scopophilia, is a common motif among female figures in medieval art and literature where it is usually expressed as a motherly or sexually interested gaze--one sanctioned, the other forbidden. Sandra Summers investigates these two major variants of female voyeurism in exemplary didactic and courtly literature by medieval German authors.

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An Old French Trilogy: Texts from the William of Orange Cycle

This volume offers a broad and rich view of the tradition of Old French epic poetry, or chansons de geste, by providing an updated English translation of three central poems from the twelfth-century Guillaume d’Orange cycle.

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On Latinidad: U.S. Latino Literature and the Construction of Ethnicity

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On Stage Alone: Soloists and the Modern Dance Canon

Rediscover some of the most courageous dancers of the twentieth century

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On Technique

On Technique provides a fascinating look into the careers and teaching philosophies of eighteen of the world’s most respected ballet masters, principals, and artistic directors.

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Once A Dancer…: An Autobiography

Autobiography of one of Balanchine's finest ballerinas