In this exploration of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar’s impact on popular culture, Aldona Bialowas Pobutsky shows how Escobar’s legacy inspired the development of narcocultura—television, music, literature, and fashion representing the drug-trafficking lifestyle—in Colombia and around the world.
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Whether forging uncharted territory or slipping along marked canoe trails, Molloy guides readers through more than 400 miles of creeks, bays, marshes, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Featuring a wide variety of paddling trips from the panhandle to the Keys, this guide provides an insider’s scoop on canoeing, kayaking, and standup paddleboarding in Florida, equipping paddlers of every level with practical tips for their adventure on the water.
Has the South, once the "Solid South" of the Democratic Party, truly become an unassailable Republican stronghold? If so, when, where, why, and how did this seismic change occur? Moreover, what are the implications for the U.S. body politic? Painting Dixie Red is the first volume to grapple with these difficult yet critical questions.
Although one of Latin America’s most significant postwar art movements, Nueva Figueración has long been overlooked in studies of modern art. In this first comprehensive examination of the movement, Patrick Frank explores the work of four artists at its heart--Ernesto Deira, Rómulo Macció, Luis Felipe Noé, and Jorge de la Vega--to demonstrate the importance of their work in the transnational development of modern art.
The late Pleistocene-early Holocene landscape hosted more species and greater numbers of them in the Southeast compared to any other region in North America at that time. Yet James Dunbar posits that a misguided reliance on using Old World origins to validate New World evidence has stalled research in this area. Rejecting the one-size-fits-all approach to Pleistocene archaeological sites, Dunbar analyzes five areas of contextual data--stratigraphy; chronology; paleoclimate; the combined consideration of habitat, resource availability, and subsistence; and artifacts and technology--to resolve unanswered questions surrounding the Paleoindian occupation of the Americas.
Now back in print and for the first time in paperback,Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture is a foundational piece in bioarchaeological literature and a central source of information regarding the impact of early farming on socioeconomic evolution. It remains a highly cited reference for archaeologists and physical anthropologists.
In this fascinating journey through the natural and cultural history of the palmetto, Jono Miller offers surprising facts and dispels common myths about an important native plant that remains largely misunderstood.