Author is head chef and owner of the Habana Café in Gulfport, Florida. Originally from Cuba, she came to Florida with her parents in 1966. Family recipies are the base for a creative fusion of traditional Cuban foods with modern dishes.
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In the first comprehensive study of the relations between Haiti and black America from the colonial period to the present, Leon Pamphile shows how historical ties between these two communities of the African diaspora have affected their respective histori
In this volume, Lawrence Waldron focuses on the cultural significance of nearly two dozen animal and bird representations found in Saladoid-era ceramics, surveying zoomorphic iconography in over twenty major collections.
Through the lens of the four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—this publication explores intimate visual storytelling embedded within small-scale Chinese landscape paintings.
This collection is an in-depth examination of Ediciones Vigía, an artisanal press that published exquisite books crafted from simple supplies during some of Cuba’s most dire economic periods. Vividly illustrated, this volume shows how the publishing collective responded to the nation’s changing historical and political situation from the margins of society.
A history of continuity and change in Florida's state prison system between 1910 and 1957, exploring conditions at the state prison farm at Raiford (the third largest prison farm in the South at this time) as well as in the chain gangs and road prisons.
Draws comparisons between the Harlem Renaissance i