Opening a window onto the little-known Japanese-American heritage of Florida, Yamato Colony is the true tale of a daring immigrant venture that left behind an important legacy. Ryusuke Kawai tells how a Japanese farming settlement came to be in south Florida, far from other Japanese communities in the United States.
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Yo Soy Negro is the first book in English--in fact, the first book in any language in more than two decades--to address what it means to be black in Peru.
In this easy-to-use and brightly illustrated introductory guide, Jaret Daniels shows beginners how to create a haven for butterflies and other flower-loving wildlife in Florida and throughout the Deep South.
This fourth book in the popular " Your Florida Guide to . . . " series provides information not currently available to either consumers or industry professionals for over 250 species, incl. natives. Special section on gingers, begonias, and salvias.
No other book offers such colorful, complete, and reliable information about all aspects of selecting, growing, and maintaining the shrubs and small trees that thrive in the Florida landscape.