Your Florida Garden

John V. Watkins and Herbert S. Wolfe

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"Probably the single most comprehensive volume on the subject of gardening in our state. . . . If your desert island were off the coast of Florida, this is the one book you’d choose to take with you."—Tallahassee Democrat

"This book has been around for over 20 years, and it will undoubtedly be here for 20 more, for it is the most useful and practical book on Florida gardening there is."—Sarasota Herald-Tribune

"Invaluable—this book could be called the Florida gardener’s bible."—Palm Beach Times

Your Florida Garden comprehensively covers all aspects of gardening in Florida:
Planning the Garden
Patios and Florida Rooms
Soil, Fertilizer, Water, and Temperature
Propagation of Garden Plants
Trees, Palms, Shrubs, and Vines
Azaleas, Camellias, Hibiscus, and Roses
Herbaceous Perennials
Annual Flowers and Bulbs
Lawn Grasses and Ground Covers
Orchids and Bromeliads
Beach and Retirement Gardening
Fruits in the Garden
Vegetables in the Garden
Garden Pests

In addition, there are tables which show what to do in the garden every month of the year in every part of the state.

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"A good general guide to all phases of the Florida landscape with a very helpful calendar of what to do each month." - Breeze of Cape Coral, Florida
--Breeze (Cape Coral, FL

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