

" a good illustration of how archaeology can validate documents-based history."

"presents a rich inventory of artifacts, archaeological remains, and historical photos documenting how the presidio on Pensacola Bay marked the beginning of more than a century of Spanish occupation in West Florida."
--Florida History & The Arts

"The inter-weaving of the historical and archaeological data shows how both disciplines are necessary to fully understand the site." "Most historical studies claim to integrate the two approaches. This book delivers on that promise."
--Journal of Field Archaeology

"Because the early history of Florida is not 'American', it has not received the attention it deserves." "This volume reports one piece of the larger tapestry of Spanish colonial efforts in Florida. An admirable group of historians and archaeologists has produced an excellent example of how rich and interesting the result can be."
--Florida Historical Quarterly

"For those interested in a comparative analysis of frontier experience, this book provides a wealth of information in the analyses, extensive graphs, lists, and descriptions of artifacts, drawings, photographs, and selected documents."
--Gulf South Historical Review
