

"Many will probably warm to a study that makes the reader think anew, and that probes in such an insistent fashion into many puzzling aspects of Chaucer's texts and demonstrates so fervent a belief in the profundity of Chaucer's dream poems and Troilus and Criseyde."
--H-Net Reviews

"Closely agued. A fine challenge to some long-held assumptions about the poems. Recommended."

"A fine challenge to some long-held assumptions about the poems."

"This book demonstrates that traditional close reading can be as provacative as the cutting-edge theory of the day, and it will succeed in shocking readers more accustomed to seeing in print arguments based upon substatial evidence."
--Journal of English and Germanic Philology

"This is a loving study, in complete concord with Condren's conviction that Chaucer himself felt that 'poetic creation is an act of love.'"

I unhesitatingly number this brilliant book among the Chaucer studies one must reread many time, simply because they will alter one's whole way of approaching the poet.
--Medium Aevum
