

"In an age of much ephemeral criticism and 'analysis by recipe', this meaty and elegantly voiced volume will provoke a discussion and response for a long time to come. De Looze has taken us on a long, bracing run, brought us to new vistas, and helped us to place the fresh landscape on new maps."
--The Medieval Review

"Readers of Pseudo-Autobiography will find in L. de Looze's book so many original, valuable insights into the art and artifice of fourteenth-century writing and living that even their mere enumeration is impossible here." -- The French Review
--French Review

"Valuable insights on nearly every page. DeLooze is a perceptive and sensitive reader, well schooled in the more generally useful concepts of post-structuralism and acquainted with a wide range of medieval and modern texts. The book is written with erudition, enthusiasm, and intelligence." - Arthuriana

"A thought-provoking contribution to the current debate on the interpretation of late medieval writing." -- Medium Aevum
--Medium Aevum

"De Looze's fine reading of texts and the excellent use he makes of contemporary critics (without ever burying his own thoughts in a barrage of criticism) make this a valuable book for our understanding of fourteenth-century poetics." -- Literary Research
--Literary Research

"DeLooze's explanation of the reason for the existence of the fourteenth-century pseudoautobiography and his exposition of the manner in which it functioned provide for those of us interested in the late Middle Ages in western Europe not only a great deal to ponder but also an excellent basis for further investigation."-- Speculum
