

" This line-up of the great and the good is enough to gladden the heart of any Joycean. The collection offers a most valuable resource for undergraduates and, perhaps, graduate students daunted at the challenge of beginning work on Joyce. An important addition to any university library."
--Project Muse Modernism

" Aptly subtitles "An Album so Risky Readings," the book's introduction contains thoroughly risky readings of "e-mails of regret" that Sebastian Knowles had received as a program director from participants who had to withdraw from the program. The messages are classified into seven kinds of regret: Regret Formal, Phyical, Paralytic, Inexplicable, Metaphysical, Apocalyptic, and Bogus. But Joycean context is the saving grace for Knowles's "somewhat malicious" parodistic vein: all seven rhetorical e-structures are hilariously echoed by textual examples from Joyce himself."
--English Literature in Transition
