Search Results for 'Theatrical Worlds'


72 results for 'Theatrical Worlds'  

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Theatrical Worlds

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A Revolution in Movement: Dancers, Painters, and the Image of Modern Mexico

This book illuminates how collaborations between dancers and painters shaped Mexico’s postrevolutionary cultural identity, tracing this relationship throughout nearly half a century of developments in Mexican dance from the 1920s to the 1960s.

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Shaw's Theater

Examines Shaw's work in the theater and the use of theater in his work. Part I, "Bernard Shaw, Director" was originally published in 1971 and remains the most authoritative work on this aspect of Shaw. Part II: "The Director as Interpreter:

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Henning Kronstam: Portrait of a Danish Dancer

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Staging Discomfort: Performance and Queerness in Contemporary Cuba

This visionary volume examines how queer bodies are theatrically represented on the Cuban stage in ways that challenge one of the state’s primary revolutionary tools, the categorization and homogenization of individuals. Bretton White critically analyzes contemporary performances that upset traditional understandings of performer and spectator, as well as what constitutes the ideal Cuban citizenry.

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James Joyce's "Fraudstuff"

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Constructing Lebanon: A Century of Literary Narratives

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Behind the Masks of Modernism: Global and Transnational Perspectives

The essays in this diverse collection explore numerous regional, national, and transnational expressions of modernity through art, history, architecture, drama, literature, and cultural studies around the globe. Masks--both literal and metaphorical--play a role in each of these artistic ventures, from Brazilian music to Chinese film and Russian poetry to Nigerian masquerade performance.

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Dangerous Masculinities: Conrad, Hemingway, and Lawrence

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Silent Films in St. Augustine

Describing the lavish sets, theatrical action, and New York movie personalities that filled St. Augustine, this book evokes an intensely creative time and place in the history of American moviemaking.