Browse by Subject: African American History

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Race in the American South: From Slavery to Civil Rights

This is the first book to offer an overarching view of the ways race has indelibly shaped the history of the United States.

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A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau

Long explores the unique social, political, and legal setting in which the lives of Laveau’s African and European ancestors became intertwined in nineteenth-century New Orleans. With 39 illustrations.

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"The Ticket to Freedom": The NAACP and the Struggle for Black Political Integration

The first full-scale political history of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, tracing its struggle for black civil and political equality from its founding in 1909 through the post-civil rights years.

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From Rights to Economics: The Ongoing Struggle for Black Equality in the U.S. South

Rich with the voices of black and white southern workers, this broad collection of essays shows how ardently African Americans have had to continue fighting for economic parity in the decades since the civil rights legislation of the 1960s.

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From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans: Migration and Influences

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The Spirit and the Shotgun: Armed Resistance and the Struggle for Civil Rights

The Spirit and the Shotgun explores the role of armed self-defense in tandem with nonviolent protests in the African American freedom struggle of the 1950s and 1960s.

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Transnational Muslims in American Society

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The Rosenwald Schools of the American South

Hoffschwelle tells the story of a remarkable partnership to build model schools for black children during the Jim Crow era in the South.

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Race Mixing: Black-White Marriage in Postwar America

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Radio and the Struggle for Civil Rights in the South