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T. S. Eliot's Parisian Year

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T. Thomas Fortune, the Afro-American Agitator: A Collection of Writings, 1880-1928

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Tabloid Valley: Supermarket News and American Culture

The truth behind supermarket tabloids

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Tacachale: Essays on the Indians of Florida and Southeastern Georgia during the Historic Period

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Tales from the 5th Street Gym: Ali, the Dundees, and Miami's Golden Age of Boxing

Be a part of the legendary boxing gym in its prime

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Tampa: Impressions of an Emigrant

Translated into English with extensive notes and a wealth of supplementary material, this narrative of a nineteenth-century Cuban émigré brings to life the early Cuban exile communities in Tampa.

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Tampa Bay: The Story of an Estuary and Its People

This book explores the environmental history of the largest open water estuary in Florida, revealing how people have interacted with nature throughout the long history of Tampa Bay.

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Tampa Cigar Workers: A Pictorial History

Featuring more than 200 photos, this book documents the history of the immigrants who created the cigar industry in Tampa and the extraordinary multi-ethnic community that flourished around it.

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Tampa on My Mind

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Tango Nuevo

The ongoing transformation of a beloved cultural tradition.