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The Brothers' Vietnam War: Black Power, Manhood, and the Military Experience

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Building a Better Tomato: The Quest to Perfect "The Scandalous Fruit"

In the search for a superior alternative to bland and mealy grocery-store tomatoes, horticultural scientist Harry Klee and renowned taste researcher Linda Bartoshuk teamed up and embarked on a mission to find a specimen that will have you thinking you just picked it in your own back yard.

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Building a Nation: Caribbean Federation in the Black Diaspora

Duke convincingly posits that federation was more than a regional endeavor; it was a diasporic, black nation-building undertaking--with broad support in diaspora centers such as Harlem and London--deeply immersed in ideas of racial unity, racial uplift, and black self-determination.

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Building the Past: Prehistoric Wooden Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley–Great Lakes

This comprehensive examination of sites in the Ohio Valley, going as far north as Ontario, integrates structural engineering and wood science technology into the toolkit of archaeologists. 

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Burning Faith: Church Arson in the American South

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Business Ethics

This interdisciplinary and practical text is designed to support a course in business ethics or corporate governance which is primarily a laboratory or skills-based course, where students develop, practice, and refine decision making and problem solving strategies that they will carry with them into the world of business practice.

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Business Fundamentals

The Business Fundamentals text is designed to introduce students to the essential concepts of business and other organizations.

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Business Processes and Information Technology

Business Processes and Information Technology prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. The text focuses on the interconnections among an organization's management, business processes, information systems, and information technology. An emphasis is given throughout the text to the governance, control, and security of business processes and information systems, especially underlying financial information systems. After studying this text, a student will walk away with an understanding of the foundation tools and knowledge required for the analysis, design, and control of IT-driven business processes using current and emergent technologies.