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Blood of My Blood

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Bloomsday 100: Essays on Ulysses

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Boccaccio's Fabliaux: Medieval Short Stories and the Function of Reversal

This new and provocative interpretation examines the formal similarities between the Decameron’s tales of wit, wisdom, and practical jokes and the popular thirteenth-century fabliaux.

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Bones of Complexity: Bioarchaeological Case Studies of Social Organization and Skeletal Biology

Drawing upon wide-ranging studies of prehistoric human remains from Europe, northern Africa, Asia, and the Americas, this groundbreaking volume unites physical anthropologists, archaeologists, and economists to explore how social structure can be reflected in the human skeleton.

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The Book of Yeats's Poems

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Booker T. Washington and Black Progress: Up From Slavery 100 Years Later

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Bootstrap Geologist: My Life in Science

Known worldwide among geologists, marine scientists, and petroleum engineers, Gene Shinn enthusiastically shares the highs and lows of his remarkable life.

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Borderland Narratives: Negotiation and Accommodation in North America’s Contested Spaces, 1500–1850

Broadening the idea of “borderlands” beyond its traditional geographic meaning, this volume features new ways of characterizing the political, cultural, religious, and racial fluidity of early America.


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Borderland Smuggling: Patriots, Loyalists, and Illicit Trade in the Northeast, 1783–1820

Smith treats the Passamaquoddy Bay smuggling as more than a local episode of antiquarian interest. Indeed, he crafts a local case study to illuminate a widespread phenomenon in early modern Europe and the Americas. 

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The Bottlenose Dolphin: Biology and Conservation

This comprehensive, colorfully-illustrated, and concise overview of the bottlenose dolphin provides fascinating facts on this captivating species, including up-to-date scientific assessment of dolphin evolution, behavior, ecology, morphology, reproduction, and genetics--while also tackling the difficult issues of dolphin conservation and management.