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Government in the Sunshine State: Florida Since Statehood

A concise and accessible history of the state’s unique political system, its development over the last 150 years, and the most important issues facing it today. Explores the shaping influences of: the state’s early ties to Spain and Great Britain,

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The Governors of Florida

An unparalleled two-hundred-year history of Florida’s highest office, this volume provides the first in-depth examination of all of Florida’s chief executives from the acquisition of Spanish Florida by the United States and the appointment of Andrew Jackson as the territory’s first governor in 1821 to the end of Rick Scott’s tenure in 2019.

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Grasses of Florida

Grasses are the fourth largest family of flowering plants worldwide. In Florida, grasses occur in every habitat and are the dominant ground cover across many regions. Grasses of Florida is the first complete systematic account of the grasses that occur in the wild throughout the state.  

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Grasshoppers of Florida

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Great Britain and Reza Shah: The Plunder of Iran, 1921-1941

Mohammad Gholi Majd describes the rampant tyranny and destruction of Iran in the decades between the two world wars in a sensational yet thoroughly scholarly study that will rewrite the political and economic history of the country.

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The Great Florida Craft Beer Guide

Takes you on a tour from Destin to Key West, from award-winning breweries to hidden tasting rooms, from hefeweizens and pale ales to saisons and stouts. 

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The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America, Updated Edition

Widely regarded as a classic of archaeological writing, this edition offers an up-to-date look at one of archaeology’s greatest controversies: How, where, when, and why did human beings take the first steps in their journey to populate North America?

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The Great War and the Culture of the New Negro

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Great Waves and Mountains: Perspectives and Discoveries in Collecting the Arts of Japan

This richly illustrated volume addresses the history of collecting Japanese art and the factors that contributed to the growth of collections in North America following the Meiji Restoration in 1868.

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Green Empire: The St. Joe Company and the Remaking of Florida's Panhandle

This bestselling corporate/environmental history examines how the state's largest landowner has the potential to permanently and drastically alter the landscape, environment, and economic foundation of the northwestern part of the state.