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Guide and Reference to the Turtles and Lizards of Western North America (North of Mexico) and Hawaii

Accessible, accurate, and up-to-date, with striking color photographs and range maps!

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A Guide through Finnegans Wake

This accessible guide approaches the daunting work in a way that provides handrails for beginners while, at the same time, presenting new insights for experienced readers.

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A Guide to a Somatic Movement Practice: The Anatomy of Center

In this introduction to the work of somatic dance education pioneer Nancy Topf, readers are ushered on a journey to explore the movement of the body through a close awareness of anatomical form and function.

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Guide to Florida.1875

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A Guide to Florida's Historic Architecture

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A Guide to the Birds of the Southeastern States: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi

The only single-source reference for the 376 species found in these southeastern states with info on appearance, voice, habits, habitat, regional abundance and distribution, and world range.

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Guide to the Great Florida Birding Trail: East Section

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Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Third Edition

The definitive guide to more than 4,000 plants found in the Sunshine State

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A Guide-book of Florida and the South

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A Guide-Book of Florida and the South, for Tourists, Invalids, and Emigrants