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Reading the Bones: Activity, Biology, and Culture

What can bones tell us about past lives? Do different bone shapes, sizes, and injuries reveal more about people’s genes or about their environments? Reading the Bones tackles this question, guiding readers through one of the most hotly debated topics in bioarchaeology. 


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Reading the Modernist Bildungsroman

With this first major study of the historical context of the English and Irish Bildungsroman, Gregory Castle revisits the genre with a special interest in self-development and identity, as well as the viability of the classical concept of Bildung in the modernist era.

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The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: From Farmers’ Fields to Rulers’ Realms

A timely synthesis of the latest research and perspectives on ancient Maya economics, this volume illuminates the sophistication and intricacy of economic systems in the Preclassic, Classic, and Postclassic periods.   

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Reassessing the Heroine in Medieval French Literature

These essays explore the various manifestations of the heroine in medieval French literature and her multiple relationships with discourse, both medieval and modern. From a discussion of 12th-century saints’ lives to an examination of 15th-century farce, they span the Middle Ages, both chronologically and generically. Focused yet considering a wide range of texts, they shine new light on the heroine and how she behaves, including how she herself uses discourse.

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Rebel Bishop: Augustin Verot, Florida’s Civil War Prelate

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Rebel on Pointe: A Memoir of Ballet and Broadway

Lee Wilson describes how she grand jetéd from the stifling suburbia of the 1950s, a world of rigid gender roles, to the only domain where women and men were equally paid and equally respected--in grand, historic dance theaters and under the bright lights of the Broadway stage.

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Recalling Deeds Immortal: Florida Monuments to the Civil War

Looks at the diversity of Civil War monuments built in Florida between Reconstruction and the present day, elucidating their emblematic and social dimensions.

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Recasting: Gone with the Wind in American Culture

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Reckoning with Rebellion: War and Sovereignty in the Nineteenth Century

In this innovative global history of the American Civil War, Aaron Sheehan-Dean compares and contrasts the American experience with other civil and national conflicts that happened at nearly the same time—the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Polish Insurrection of 1863, and China’s Taiping Rebellion.

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Reconsidering Southern Labor History: Race, Class, and Power

The broad chronological sweep and comprehensive nature of Reconsidering Southern Labor History set this volume apart from any other collection on the topic in the past forty years. Presenting the latest trends in the study of the working-class South by a new generation of scholars, this volume is a surprising revelation of the historical forces behind the labor inequalities inherent today.