UPF Catalogs

Free eBooks for July

Looking for a good summer read? We are making ten eBooks available for free during the month of July. These books are among the many titles published by University Press of Florida and UF Press that dive into the topic of water. View the list of books here and enjoy the digital versions for free on your preferred eReader through July 31, 2024.

July Conference Sales

Preservation on Main Street
Co-organized by the Florida Main Street program and the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, this annual conference takes place in Tallahassee, Florida, July 10-13. If you are planning to attend, please visit our booth to browse our book display! Find more information about the meeting here. If you are not able to attend, you can shop our virtual booth here.

Dance Studies Association
The annual conference of the Dance Studies Association takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23-27. You can shop our DSA virtual booth to find great dance books here.

New Journal Issues

Journal of Global South Studies | New issue: Volume 41, Number 1
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine | New issue: Volume 7, Number 2
View more journals from UF Press