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The Peace of Blue: Water Journeys

Guides you on a lyrical journey to the natural places in Florida and the Caribbean that have been forged and shaped by water.

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Salvaging the Real Florida: Lost and Found in the State of Dreams

Salvaging the Real Florida invites readers to rediscover treasures hidden in plain sight. Join Belleville as he paddles a glowing lagoon, slogs through a swamp, explores a spring cave, dives a "literary" shipwreck, and pays a visit to the colorful historic district of an old riverboat town. Journey with him in search of the apple snail, the black bear, a rare cave-dwelling shrimp, and more.

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Losing It All to Sprawl: How Progress Ate My Cracker Landscape

As development threatens his very sense of place, an award-winning nature writer finds hope in the rediscovery and appreciation of his historic Cracker farmhouse.