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The Governors of Florida

An unparalleled two-hundred-year history of Florida’s highest office, this volume provides the first in-depth examination of all of Florida’s chief executives from the acquisition of Spanish Florida by the United States and the appointment of Andrew Jackson as the territory’s first governor in 1821 to the end of Rick Scott’s tenure in 2019.

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The Letters of George Long Brown: A Yankee Merchant on Florida's Antebellum Frontier

This book collects previously unpublished letters written by a merchant in north Florida before the Civil War, offering a view of the region's transformation to a market economy due in part to its increased reliance on slavery.

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Fifty Years of Justice: A History of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida

Representing half of the state’s population, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida is one of the busiest federal courts in the nation and has been at the center of major decisions for more than fifty years.