This volume presents new data and interpretations from research at Florida’s Spanish missions, drawing on the past thirty years of work at sites from St. Augustine to the panhandle.
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Books by JOHN E. WORTHPlease note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date
Offering innovative ways of looking at existing data, as well as compelling new information, about Florida’s past, this volume updates current archaeological interpretations and demonstrates the use of new and improved tools to answer larger questions.
This volume uses case studies to capture the recent emphasis on history in archaeological reconstructions of America’s deep past, representing a profound shift in thinking about precolonial and colonial history and helping to erase the false divide between ancient and contemporary America.
Including transcriptions of the original Spanish documents as well as English translations, this volume presents--in their own words--the experiences and reactions of Spaniards who came to Florida with Juan Ponce de León, Pánfilo de Narváez, Hernando de Soto, and Pedro Menéndez de Avilés.