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The Wilder Heart of Florida: More Writers Inspired by Florida Nature

In this captivating collection, Florida’s most notable authors, poets, and environmentalists take readers on a journey through the natural wonders of the state.

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The Wide Brim: Early Poems and Ponderings of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Often described as the savior of the Everglades, Marjory Stoneman Douglas is best known for having been Florida's most passionate environmentalist, but she was first, foremost, and always a writer. As the author of fiction and nonfiction books, most notably The Everglades: River of Grass, and scores of short stories, Douglas devoted over ninety years to her career as a writer. Her fascinating and little-known work as a journalist began as a columnist for the Miami Herald

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"A River in Flood" and Other Florida Stories by Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Collection of 9 Florida stories written by Florida’s grande dame

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Nine Florida Stories by Marjory Stoneman Douglas