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The Dancer's Survival Manual: Everything You Need to Know from the First Class to Career Change, Second Edition

A road map to plan your career in dance

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May O'Donnell: Modern Dance Pioneer

The story of the development of America’s modern dance movement as told through the personal memories of O’Donnell (1906-2004), one of its evolutionary performers, teachers, and choreographers.

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Martha Graham: The Evolution of Her Dance Theory and Training, revised edition

Marian Horosko brings together new and previously published interviews of Martha Graham's "family" of dancers, teachers, choreographers, and actors and interweaves them with provocative biographical material about the life and influence of the creator of classic modern dance.

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Pas de Deux: A Textbook on Partnering, Second Edition

The authoritative text on partnering, first published in Russian in 1969 for the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg. Easily adaptable to the Royal Academy & the Cecchetti methods. Begins with simple exercises for young dancers & progresses to lift