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Books by Justin Jennings

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Quilcapampa: A Wari Enclave in Southern Peru

Analyzing evidence from the site of Quilcapampa in the Sihuas Valley of Southern Peru, contributors to this volume discuss the ninth-century settlement’s relationship to the broader Wari empire and reimagine the empire’s role in the widespread changes of the Andean Middle Horizon period.

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Finding Fairness: From Pleistocene Foragers to Contemporary Capitalists

Providing a sweeping, archaeologically grounded view of human history, Justin Jennings explores the origins, endurance, and elasticity of ideas about fairness and how these ideas have shaped the development of societies at critical moments over the last 20,000 years.

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Drink, Power, and Society in the Andes

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Ancient Psychoactive Substances

Tracing evidence of mind-altering substances across a diverse range of ancient cultures, this collection explores how and why past civilizations harvested, manufactured, and consumed drugs. Case studies examine the use of stimulants, narcotics, and depressants by hunter-gatherers who roamed Africa and Eurasia, prehistoric communities in North and South America, and Maya kings and queens.