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Arts of Korea: Histories, Challenges, and Perspectives

This brilliantly illustrated volume assembles the perspectives of art historians, critics, curators, and museum directors from major universities and museums around the world to trace the varied and dynamic experiences of Korean art acquisitions over the past century.

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Tōkaidō Texts and Tales: Tōkaidō gojūsan tsui by Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada

Presenting the complete set of Tokaido gojusan tsui prints in vivid color, along with text from the woodcuts transcribed and translated from the Japanese, this book is an invaluable resource for collectors, art historians, and students of this classic technique.

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Original Intentions: Essays on Production, Reproduction, and Interpretation in the Arts of China

The essays in Original Intentions explore the highly controversial questions of faking, copying, and replicating Chinese painting, bronzes, ceramics, works on paper, and sculpture. 

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Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at Twenty Years: The Collection Catalogue

Featuring fine, full-page photography and expert commentary from the curators, it is the most complete guide to the museum's collection ever produced.