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Bay of Pigs: An Oral History of Brigade 2506

This is the story of the Bay of Pigs invasion, told for the first time in the words of the idealistic participants who came together in April, 1961, to overthrow Fidel Castro’s dictatorship. Most of the approximately 1,500 men of Brigade 2506 were

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The Mariel Boatlift: A Cuban-American Journey

Set against the sweeping backdrop of one of the most dramatic refugee crises of the twentieth century, The Mariel Boatlift presents the stories of Cuban immigrants to the United States who overcame frightening circumstances to build new lives for themselves and flourish in their adopted country.  

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Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program

Account of the covert humanitarian effort known as Operation Pedro Pan (1960-1962) in which 14,048 Cuban children were airlifted into the U.S. Explores US role as well as the aftermath of the children's separation from parents forced to remain in Cuba.