Search Results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'


1183 results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'  

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Chaucer's Open Books: Resistance to Closure in Medieval Discourse

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The Maritime Landscape of the Isthmus of Panamá

Assessing sites both submerged and on land, the authors explore the maritime history of the isthmus through its many stages: from its prehistoric period through Spanish colonialism to the building of the canal and its function as a route for modern-day maritime traffic.

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Cypress Swamps

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The Judaic Other in Dante, the <i>Gawain</i> Poet, and Chaucer

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From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans: Migration and Influences

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Americanization in the States: Immigrant Social Welfare Policy, Citizenship, and National Identity in the United States, 19081929

<i>Americanization in the States</i> offers a comparative history of social welfare policies developed in four distinct regions with diverse immigrant populations: New York, California, Massachusetts, and Illinois.

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The Archaeology of the Homed and the Unhomed

The first comprehensive discussion of the historical archaeology of homelessness, this book highlights the social complexities, ambiguities, and significance of the home and the unhomed in the archaeological record.

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Business Processes and Information Technology

Business Processes and Information Technology prepares students to effectively use, manage, and participate in the development of information technology applications in support of common business processes. The text focuses on the interconnections among an organization's management, business processes, information systems, and information technology. An emphasis is given throughout the text to the governance, control, and security of business processes and information systems, especially underlying financial information systems. After studying this text, a student will walk away with an understanding of the foundation tools and knowledge required for the analysis, design, and control of IT-driven business processes using current and emergent technologies.

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The Migration of Peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas

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<em>The Knight of the Two Swords</em>: A Thirteenth-Century Arthurian Romance