New World Diasporas

Edited by Kevin A. Yelvington, University of South Florida

Series Description:

This series seeks to stimulate critical perspectives on diaspora processes in the New World. Representations of "race" and ethnicity, the origins and consequences of nationalism, migratory streams and the advent of transnationalism, the dialectics of "homelands" and diasporas, trade networks, gender relations in immigrant communities, the politics of displacement and exile, and the utilization of the past to serve the present are among the phenomena addressed by original, provocative research in disciplines such as anthropology, history, political science, and sociology.

For more Information:

Kevin A. Yelvington
University of South Florida
Department of Anthropology
Tampa, FL 33620-8100
(813) 974-0582

There are 22 books in this series.

Please note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date

Book Cover

Carnival and the Formation of a Caribbean Transnation

Book Cover

More Than Black: Afro-Cubans in Tampa