New Perspectives on Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology


Series Description:

This series is devoted to providing lively and important books that cover the spectrum of maritime history and nautical archaeology broadly defined. It includes works that focus on the role of canals, rivers, lakes, and oceans in history; on the economic, military, and political use of those waters; and upon the people, communities, and industries that support maritime endeavors. Limited neither by geography or time, volumes in the series contribute to the overall understanding of maritime history and can be read with profit by both general readers and specialists.

This series is no longer accepting new titles.

For more Information:

Gene Allen Smith
Box 297260
(817) 257-6295
Fax: (817) 257-5650

There are 30 books in this series.

Please note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date

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A Civil War Gunboat in Pacific Waters: Life on Board USS Saginaw

In this vivid retelling of a classic naval shipwreck and its archaeological discovery, Hans Van Tilburg provides a fascinating perspective on the watershed events in history that reshaped the Pacific between 1860 and 1870.

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Stalking the U-Boat: U.S. Naval Aviation in Europe during World War I

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Borderland Smuggling: Patriots, Loyalists, and Illicit Trade in the Northeast, 1783–1820

Smith treats the Passamaquoddy Bay smuggling as more than a local episode of antiquarian interest. Indeed, he crafts a local case study to illuminate a widespread phenomenon in early modern Europe and the Americas. 

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Captain "Hell Roaring" Mike Healy: From American Slave to Arctic Hero

One of the Coast Guard’s great heroes and the secret he kept hidden

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The Sea Their Graves: An Archaeology of Death and Remembrance in Maritime Culture

Based on a study of more than 2,100 gravestones and monuments in North America and the United Kingdom erected between the seventeenth and late twentieth centuries, David Stewart expands the use of nautical archaeology into terrestrial environments. He focuses on those who make their living at sea--one of the world's oldest and most dangerous occupations--to examine their distinct folkloric traditions, beliefs, and customs regarding death, loss, and remembrance. 

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The U.S. Coast Guard's War on Human Smuggling

Dennis Noble highlights the policies, strategy, and tactics used by the U.S. Coast Guard in enforcing immigration laws and puts a human face on both undocumented migrants and those who enforce policy.

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Lucky 73: USS Pampanito's Unlikely Rescue of Allied POWs in WWII

A harrowing true story of capture, torture, shipwreck, and survival

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Sovereignty at Sea: U.S. Merchant Ships and American Entry into World War I

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The Development of Mobile Logistic Support in Anglo-American Naval Policy, 1900–1953

Peter Nash compares the methods the British and American navies developed to supply their ships across the vast reaches of the Pacific Ocean during the first part of the twentieth century.