The Florida James Joyce Series

Edited by Sam Slote, Trinity College

Series Description:

As one of the most studied writers in history, James Joyce has evoked criticism and scholarship for over half a century. In this tradition, The Florida James Joyce Series seeks to foster the most meaningful avenues of current investigation and to help establish new directions and methodologies for reading Joyce's work.

For more Information:

Sam Slote
Trinity College
School of English
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin D02 PN40, Ireland

There are 53 books in this series.

Please note that while you may order forthcoming books at any time, they will not be available for shipment until shortly before publication date

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Joyce's Music and Noise: Theme and Variation in His Writings

Explains all of Joyce's writing in terms of music

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Jocoserious Joyce: The Fate of Folly in Ulysses