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Digital Satire in Latin America: Online Video Humor as Hybrid Alternative Media

This book analyzes how digital-native audiovisual satire has become increasingly influential in national public debates within Latin America. Paul Alonso examines the role of online video creators in critiquing politics and society and amplifying public discourse, filling gaps left by traditional media and journalism.

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Modern Cuban: A Contemporary Approach to Classic Recipes

In this cookbook, Ana Quincoces reimagines traditional Cuban recipes for today’s home chefs, helping readers make timeless dishes that showcase the distinctive flavors of classic Cuban cuisine while crafting meals that are accessible to everyone.

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Internet, Humor, and Nation in Latin America

This volume provides a comprehensive Latin American perspective on the role of humor in the Spanish- and Portuguese-language Internet, highlighting how online humor influences politics and culture in Latin America.

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Lacandón Maya in the Twenty-First Century: Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation in Mexico's Tropical Rainforest

This book tells the story of how Lacandón Maya families have adapted to the contemporary world while applying their ancestral knowledge to create an ecologically sustainable future in Mexico’s largest remaining tropical rainforest.

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Fútbol! Why Soccer Matters in Latin America

This book explains why competitors and fans alike are so fiercely dedicated to soccer throughout Latin America. It is an indispensable guide for understanding the game’s especially vital importance in the region.

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The Rise of Central American Film in the Twenty-First Century

This volume explores the main trends, genres, and themes that define the emerging filmmaking industry in Central America, providing a needed overview of one of the least explored cinemas in the world.

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74.M4.Latin America: A Year, A Camera, A Road Trip

A photographic journey through Latin America

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The Cuban Sandwich: A History in Layers

This book reveals the social history behind how the Cuban sandwich evolved from its origins in the midnight cafés of Havana to claim a spot on menus around the world.

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Healthcare in Latin America: History, Society, Culture

Illustrating the diversity of disciplines that intersect within global health studies, contributors to this volume explore the development and representation of public health in Latin American countries.

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Neo-Authoritarian Masculinity in Brazilian Crime Film

An incisive analysis of contemporary crime film in Brazil, this book focuses on how movies in this genre represent masculinity and how their messages connect to twenty-first-century sociopolitical issues.