Browse by Subject: Romantic/Victorian

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Ordinary Masochisms: Agency and Desire in Victorian and Modernist Fiction

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Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book

The Victorian illustrated book came into being, flourished, and evolved during the nineteenth century. Catherine Golden offers a new framework for viewing the arc of this vibrant form and surveys the fluidity in styles of illustration in serial instalments, British and American periodicals, adult and children's literature, and--more recently--graphic novels.

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Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing

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New Woman and Colonial Adventure Fiction in Victorian Britain: Gender, Genre, and Empire

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Coleridge's Melancholia: An Anatomy of Limbo

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Edith Wharton's Dialogue with Realism and Sentimental Fiction

Most analyses of Wharton's work describe her early triumph as a realist and her decline in the 1920s into sentimental fiction. Hoeller shows that Wharton created a dialogue between the two traditions & used the sentimental voice to express the truth of fe

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Keats's Paradise Lost

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The Book of Yeats's Poems