This book expands our understanding of peoples far removed from consolidated government control and provides a broad analytical lens through which to examine demographic divides across the globe.
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Laetitia Cairoli spent a year in the ancient city of Fes; Girls of the Factory tells the story of what life is like for working women. Forced to find a factory job herself so that she could speak more intimately with working women, Cairoli was able to learn firsthand why they work, what working means to them, and how important earning a wage is to their sense of self.
An accessible primer on Islamic society, providing a good historical overview with a focus on how Islam is practiced in daily life. Significant new material on Islam in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States, as well as the Middle East, details the
Ahmad Moussalli leaves no doubt, contrary to many views in the media, public policy, and scholarly worlds, that the opposition between Islam ideals and democracy, individual liberty, civil society, and limited government is more illusory than real.
Using interviews with 14 Muslim women from Canada, the author (herself an immigrant) examines how the women challenge and resist stereotypes and achieve new ways of being Muslim. Provides an account of the trauma these women experience during dislocation
Edited collection of essays examining the impact of the 1975-90 civil war in Lebanon on women--both as a potent oppressor and as a catalyst for liberation from social strictures. Several essays challenge the assumption that women are pacifists by nature.
Redefining the bases and scope of modern Islamic thought, Moussalli suggests that Islamic fundamentalism might prove to be a liberating theology for the modern Islamic world.