Browse by Subject: Archaeology

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Monuments and Memory: Archaeological Perspectives on Commemoration

This volume examines many different public monuments, exploring the cultural factors behind their creation, their messages and evolving meanings, and the role of such markers in conveying the memory of history to future generations.

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The Archaeology of Early Colonial Manila: A Hybrid City in Global History

This book uses archaeological, historical, and ethnographic resources to document the ways Manila was transformed by the arrival of Spanish colonists in 1571 and how the city in turn shaped the modern world.

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Social Inequality and Difference in the Ancient Greek World: Bioarchaeological Perspectives

In this volume, bioarchaeologists, osteologists, archaeologists, and paleopathologists examine the ways social inequalities and differences affected health and wellbeing in ancient Greece.

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Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Iximché

This book reconstructs the history of Iximche, the capital of the Cakchiquel Maya in highland Guatemala, based on archaeological and ethnohistorical information.

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The Historical Archaeology of the Pacific Northwest

In this book, Douglas Wilson uses historical documents, Indigenous oral traditions, and the material record to provide a comprehensive overview of the historical archaeology of the Pacific Northwest region from the seventeenth through the twenty-first centuries.

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Archaeology in a Living Landscape: Envisioning Nonhuman Persons in the Indigenous Americas

This volume focuses on how Indigenous communities of the Americas have long recognized degrees of personhood within their landscapes, and its case studies show how researchers can incorporate this worldview in archaeological investigations, community relations, and interpretations.

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Becoming Object: The Sociopolitics of the Samuel George Morton Cranial Collection

This book considers the vast collection of skulls amassed by Samuel Morton in the first half of the nineteenth century, using a biohistoric approach to take a close look at the times in which Morton lived, his work, and its complicated legacy.

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Chronicling Amazon Town: Eight Decades of Research and Engagement in Gurupá, Brazil

This book brings together the work of researchers from a variety of fields to provide a comprehensive synthesis of local and regional studies in the town of Gurupá in Brazil, ranging from archaeological findings to ethnohistory and sociocultural anthropology.

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Mesoamerican Osteobiographies: Revealing the Lives and Deaths of Ancient Individuals

Drawing from a variety of sites throughout Mesoamerica, this volume presents a collection of osteobiographies, which analyze skeletons and their surroundings alongside historical, archaeological, ethnographic, and other contextual data to better understand the life experiences of individuals.

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Mississippian Women

This volume highlights the vital role women played within the diverse societies of the Mississippian world, which spanned the present-day United States South to the Midwest before the seventeenth century.