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Digital Humanities in Latin America

This volume provides a hemispheric view of the practice of digital humanities in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Americas. These essays examine how participation and research in new media have helped configure new identities and collectivities in the region.

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The Insubordination of Photography: Documentary Practices under Chile's Dictatorship

The Insubordination of Photography is the first book to analyze how various collectives, organizations, and independent media used photography to expose and protest the crimes of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s regime. Featuring never-before-seen photos and other archival material, this book reflects on the integral role of images in public memory and issues of reparation and justice.

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Race, Colonialism, and Social Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

This collection of essays offers a comprehensive overview of colonial legacies of racial and social inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. Rich in theoretical framework and close textual analysis, these essays offer new paradigms and approaches to both reading and resolving the opposing forces of race, class, and the power of states. 

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Mestizo Modernity: Race, Technology, and the Body in Postrevolutionary Mexico

After the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1917, post-revolutionary leaders hoped to assimilate the country’s racially diverse population into one official mixed-race identity—the mestizo. This book shows that as part of this vision, the Mexican government believed it could modernize “primitive” indigenous peoples through technology in the form of education, modern medicine, industrial agriculture, and factory work. David Dalton takes a close look at how authors, artists, and thinkers—some state-funded, some independent—engaged with official views of Mexican racial identity from the 1920s to the 1970s.

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Telling Migrant Stories: Latin American Diaspora in Documentary Film

Telling Migrant Stories explores how contemporary documentary film gives voice to Latin American immigrants whose stories would not otherwise be heard. 


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Who Owns Haiti? People, Power, and Sovereignty

Who Owns Haiti? explores the role of international actors in the country's sovereign affairs while highlighting the ways in which Haitians continually enact their own independence on economic, political, and cultural levels.

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Gender and the Rhetoric of Modernity in Spanish America, 1850–1910

Nineteenth-century Spanish American writers reimagined gender roles, modernization, and national identity during Spanish America’s uneven transition toward modernity. This ambitious volume surveys an expansive and diverse range of countries across the nineteenth-century Spanish-colonized Americas, showing how both men and women used the discourses of modernity to envision the place of women at all levels of social and even political life in the modern, utopian nation.

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Shaping Terrain: City Building in Latin America

The multinational contributors have a broad range of professional experience as urbanists, historians, and architects. Many are globally renowned for their design work, and some are published here in English for the first time. They examine how humans negotiate with their existing surroundings and how built form expresses that relationship.

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Healthcare without Borders: Understanding Cuban Medical Internationalism

In Healthcare without Borders, John Kirk examines the role of Cuban medical teams in disaster relief, biotechnology joint ventures, and in the Latin American School of Medicine--the largest medical faculty in the world. 

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Fútbol! Why Soccer Matters in Latin America

This book explains why competitors and fans alike are so fiercely dedicated to soccer throughout Latin America. It is an indispensable guide for understanding the game’s especially vital importance in the region.