Editors Lindsay Guarino and Wendy Oliver have assembled an array of seasoned practitioners and scholars who trace the numerous histories of jazz dance and examine various aspects of the field, including trends, influences, training, race, aesthetics, international appeal, and its relationship to tap, rock, indie, black concert dance, and Latin dance.
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Lee Wilson describes how she grand jetéd from the stifling suburbia of the 1950s, a world of rigid gender roles, to the only domain where women and men were equally paid and equally respected--in grand, historic dance theaters and under the bright lights of the Broadway stage.
An all-access pass to a glamorous and fascinating world
Ann Axtmann examines powwows as practiced primarily along the Atlantic coastline, from New Jersey to New England.
An invaluable resource for teachers of young dancers, this volume serves as a blueprint for a complete beginning ballet curriculum or simply as a source of reference for certain steps, positions, or exercises that exemplify French ballet training.
A how-to guide on finding success in the highly competitive world of ballet.
The Cuban National Ballet, complete with its own training school and indigenous twist, was built in large part by Fernando Alonso, a remarkable man who danced on Broadway, studied with the greatest figures of the Golden Era of Ballet, and helped win the support of the post-1959 revolutionary government for the advancement of ballet.
The ongoing transformation of a beloved cultural tradition.
Rediscover some of the most courageous dancers of the twentieth century