This book tells the stories of nine southern Methodist women, who, inspired by their faith, advocated for progressive reform by fighting for racial equality, challenging white male supremacy, and addressing class oppression.
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Debra Majeed sheds light on families whose form and function conflict with U.S. civil law. Polygyny--multiple-wife marriage--has steadily emerged as an alternative to the low numbers of marriageable African American men and the high number of female-led households in black America.
Takes a bold yet candid look at the highly charged topic of Jesus’s place in Islam, exploring some of the religion’s least understood aspects.
Saved and Sanctified focuses on a Philadelphia church that was started above a horse stable by a woman born sixteen years after the Emancipation Proclamation and is still active today.
Written by a trained theologian who was raised in the Jamaican village in which the Rastafarian faith originated, this history of its theology and rituals