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Books by Andrew T. Huse

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Book Cover

From Saloons to Steak Houses: A History of Tampa

Huse draws from local newspaper stories and firsthand accounts to show what authorities and city residents saw and believed about these establishments and the people who frequented them. This unique take on Tampa history reveals a spirited city at work and play, an important cultural hub that continues to both celebrate and come to terms with its many legacies.  

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The Cuban Sandwich: A History in Layers

This book reveals the social history behind how the Cuban sandwich evolved from its origins in the midnight cafés of Havana to claim a spot on menus around the world.

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Tampa: Impressions of an Emigrant

Translated into English with extensive notes and a wealth of supplementary material, this narrative of a nineteenth-century Cuban émigré brings to life the early Cuban exile communities in Tampa.

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The Columbia Restaurant: Celebrating a Century of History, Culture, and Cuisine