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Books by Bob Kealing

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Book Cover

Good Day Sunshine State: How the Beatles Rocked Florida

This book explores the musical and cultural impact of the Beatles in Florida, an important part of the revolution that helped make the Fab Four a worldwide phenomenon.

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Elvis Ignited: The Rise of an Icon in Florida

Elvis Ignited tracks the rising star through his tours of Florida, from 1955 when Presley was an unknown to 1956 when Presley played more concerts in Florida than in any other state. In only fifteen months, Presley toured Florida four times, becoming the object of worship, scorn, and controversy. Struck by a new kind of music and performances so different from anything they had known before, Floridians saw how special Elvis was before the rest of the world caught on. Before their very eyes, he transformed from Hillbilly Cat to the King of Rock and Roll.

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Calling Me Home: Gram Parsons and the Roots of Country Rock

The musically formative years of an American genius.