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Books by Christopher N. Matthews

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Trowels in the Trenches: Archaeology as Social Activism

Presenting examples from the fields of critical race studies, cultural resource management, digital archaeology, environmental studies, and heritage studies, this volume demonstrates the many different ways archaeology can be used to contest social injustice.

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A Struggle for Heritage: Archaeology and Civil Rights in a Long Island Community

Based on ten years of collaborative, community-based research, this book examines the history of race and racism in a mixed-heritage Native American and African American community on Long Island’s North Shore, demonstrating how archaeology can be an activist voice for a vulnerable population’s civil rights.

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The Archaeology of Race in the Northeast

This collection of essays looks at both new sites and well-known areas to explore race, resistance, and white supremacy in the region.

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The Archaeology of American Capitalism

Christopher Matthews offers a fresh look at the historic material culture and social meaning of capitalism in this wide-ranging and compelling study.