Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Iximché

C. Roger Nance, Stephen L. Whittington, and Barbara E. Borg

Foreword by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase

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Reconstructing the history of a highland Maya capital
“An essential contribution to research on the Maya of the colonial and pre-colonial period.”—Antiquity  
“A praiseworthy effort to salvage archaeological information about Iximché, capital of the Kaqchikel Maya, in the highlands of Guatemala. . . . The authors have done an admirable job of reconstructing the investigations.”—Ethnohistory  
“Makes a solid contribution to Mayan studies in general and to Late Postclassic Mayan sociocultural history in particular.”—Hispanic American Historical Review
"This book presents the long-awaited data from Guillemin’s excavations at the capital of the Cakchiquel Maya. It will be an excellent resource for Maya scholars and students."—Lori Wright, Texas A&M University

Conquered by the Spanish in 1524, Iximché was the capital of the Cakchiquel Maya in Highland Guatemala. It is known to Mesoamerican archaeologists through the work of George Guillemin, who excavated the ceremonial center of Iximché from the late 1950s through the early 1970s but produced only summary articles on the site. This book reconstructs the history of Iximché based on analyses of ceramics and human skeletal remains, on Guillemin’s original excavation notes, drawings and photographs, and on the ethnohistorical literature. It contains the first detailed ceramic analysis for a Late Postclassic Cakchiquel site, and the ethnohistorical sketch is the first English-language synthesis of regional Cakchiquel history. It is also the first book in 50 years to include a comprehensive analysis of Highland Maya skeletons.

C. Roger Nance is a research associate at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA and the author of The Archaeology of La Calsada: A Rockshelter in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Stephen L. Whittington is director of the Museum of Anthropology and adjunct associate professor of anthropology at Wake Forest University. He is coeditor of Bones of the Ancient Maya: Studies of Ancient Skeletons. Barbara E. Borg is associate professor of anthropology and archaeology at the College of Charleston and the author of several articles on the ethnohistory of the Cakchiquel Maya.
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"An essential contribution to research on the Maya of the colonial and pre-colonial period."

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