Search Results for 'Bob H. Lee'


681 results for 'Bob H. Lee'  

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The Florida Life of Thomas Edison

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The Purposes of the University: Selected Speeches

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Florida's "French" Revolution, 1793-1795

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Colonial Plantations and Economy in Florida

This illustrated collection documents the rich history of Florida's earliest indigo, rice, and cotton plantations, timbering operations, and Atlantic commericial networks. Based on primary research in archives in England, Scotland, Spain, Cuba, Minorca,

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Our Lives Are Rivers

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Shaping Identity in Medieval French Literature: The Other Within

Contributors to this collection consider the multiplicity and instability of medieval French literary identity, arguing that it is fluid and represented in many different ways. Inherently unstable, identity is created, re-created, adopted, refused, imposed, and self-imposed. Additionally, taken together the essays posit that an individual may identify with a group, existing within it, and yet remain foreign to it.  

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Florida Soul: From Ray Charles to KC and the Sunshine Band

John Capouya draws on extensive interviews with surviving musicians to re-create the exciting atmosphere of the golden age of soul, establishing Florida as one of the great soul music capitals of the United States.  

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The Idea of Women in Fundamentalist Islam

The only study that compiles and critiques the gender theory of the major Islamic fundamentalists.

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Earth Architecture: From Ancient to Modern

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Wake Rites: The Ancient Irish Rituals of Finnegans Wake

Demonstrating remarkable parallels between specific events and performers of the Rites and the episodes and characters comprising Finnegans Wake, Gibson shows that every event and performer at the Rites has a correlate in the novel, and all Wakean episodes and performers have their parallels in the Rites of Tara. Ultimately, he argues, Joyce structured his novel according to the Teamhur Feis, and Finnegans Wake is a calculated reenactment of the most important event in Irish paganism.