Search Results for 'Bob H. Lee'


681 results for 'Bob H. Lee'  

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Sleeping Rough in Port-au-Prince: An Ethnography of Street Children and Violence in Haiti

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The Sunshine Economy: An Economic History of Florida since the Civil War

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The Rise of Nationalism in Venezuela

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The Ghosts of Modernity

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Reconsidering Southern Labor History: Race, Class, and Power

The broad chronological sweep and comprehensive nature of Reconsidering Southern Labor History set this volume apart from any other collection on the topic in the past forty years. Presenting the latest trends in the study of the working-class South by a new generation of scholars, this volume is a surprising revelation of the historical forces behind the labor inequalities inherent today. 

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Interstate 81: The Great Warriors Trace

A road trip through history and the heart of the first frontier

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Slavery in Florida: Territorial Days to Emancipation

Painstaking research went into this comprehensive volume of slavery in Florida from 1821 to 1865. Using a wealth of historic documents, personal papers, slave testimonies, and census and newspaper reports, Rivers offers new insights into Florida's

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The Ecology of Finnegans Wake

In this book—one of the first ecocritical explorations of both Irish literature and modernism—Alison Lacivita defies the popular view of James Joyce as a thoroughly urban writer by bringing to light his consistent engagement with nature.

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The Cahokia Chiefdom: The Archaeology of a Mississippian Society

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Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice