Search Results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'
1183 results for 'Barbara A. Purdy'
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<p>Beautifully illustrated with colorful photographs, this volume traces the living heritage of locally made pottery in the English-speaking Caribbean.</p><p> </p>
Saving manatees worldwide
Full-color, illustrated, eco-friendly guide for weekend gardeners and full-time farmers. Sections include site selection, vegetable variety, soil fertilization, climate variables,
<i>Ethnographies and Archaeologies</i> explores the many different ways that the archaeological past is used to create meaning in the present.
Surveying the evolution of relationships from the era of early Spanish exploration to the American Revolution, this work offers new perspectives through which to view European conceptualizations of Indians, illuminates specific native roles in molding a backcountry society, and reconsiders overall North American population interaction during the period.
A captivating journey through time and place