Search Results for 'jeff Klinkenberg'


28 results for 'jeff Klinkenberg'  

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The Wind Engineers: Building a Hurricane-Safe House

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Seasons of Real Florida

This award-winning feature writer for the St. Petersburg Times takes readers on an off the beaten path, seasonal tour of Florida's history, folkways, and natural landscape.

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The Shark Attack Files: Investigating the World's Most Feared Predator

In 1958, a panel funded by the Office of Naval Research initiated the formation of the International Shark Attack File, the first comprehensive documentation of shark attacks on a global and historical level. Travel the globe with Burgess, the Sherlock Holmes of shark attacks, as he studies mauled remains and the scars of the lucky survivors.

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Pilgrim in the Land of Alligators: More Stories about Real Florida

Ranging from light and comical to wistful and nostalgic, Klinkenberg roams the state from panhandle to the keys, looking to answer the question, "What makes Florida Florida?"

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Son of Real Florida: Stories from My Life

As stories about “Florida Man” inspire wild headlines in the news, Florida’s most beloved chronicler is here to show that the state is more than the stereotypes. Award-winning journalist Jeff Klinkenberg has explored what makes Florida unique for nearly half a century, and Son of Real Florida is a compelling retrospective of essays on the state he knows so well.  

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Building a Better Tomato: The Quest to Perfect "The Scandalous Fruit"

In the search for a superior alternative to bland and mealy grocery-store tomatoes, horticultural scientist Harry Klee and renowned taste researcher Linda Bartoshuk teamed up and embarked on a mission to find a specimen that will have you thinking you just picked it in your own back yard.

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Alligators in B-Flat: Improbable Tales from the Files of Real Florida

Travel the back roads of Florida with the state's favorite columnist.

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Florida's Paved Bike Trails, Third Edition

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Facing Florida: Essays on Culture and Religion in Early Modern Southeastern America

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Methods, Mounds, and Missions: New Contributions to Florida Archaeology

Offering innovative ways of looking at existing data, as well as compelling new information, about Florida’s past, this volume updates current archaeological interpretations and demonstrates the use of new and improved tools to answer larger questions.