Native Peoples, Cultures, and Places of the Southeastern United States

Series Description:

Each volume in this series is intended to provide a highly readable overview of an American Indian group, the culture of a discreet period, region or place, a major archaeological site, or a specific topic of interest crossing many cultures. The goal is to make readers aware of the native American heritage of the Southeastern United States.

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There are 7 books in this series.

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The Calusa and Their Legacy: South Florida People and Their Environments

Rich with photographs and colorful drawings, this history of south Florida's Calusa people presents a vivid picture of the natural environment and teeming estuaries along Florida's coasts that sustained the Calusa.

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The Archaeology and History of the Native Georgia Tribes

New to paperback, this story of Georgia’s Indians spans 12,000 years from elephant hunts to the European invasion. 149 b&w illustrations.

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Before and After Jamestown: Virginia's Powhatans and Their Predecessors

This is the story of America's first permanent English settlement as told through its relationship with Virginia’s native peoples.

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Ancient Miamians: The Tequesta of South Florida

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The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings

Jon Gibson confronts the intriguing mystery of Poverty Point, the ruins of a large prehistoric Indian settlement that was home to one of the most fascinating ancient cultures in eastern North America.

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Unconquered People: Florida's Seminole and Miccosukee Indians

Explores Seminole and Miccosukee culture through information provided by archaeology, ethnography, historical documents, and the oral histories of the Indians

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Florida's Indians from Ancient Times to the Present

Illustrated history of Native Americans in Florida