Through stories of nature near at hand, Andrew Furman explores touchpoints between his everyday suburban life and the environment in South Florida, contemplating his place in a subtropical landscape stretching from the Everglades to the Atlantic coast.
Browse by Subject: Natural History
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In these stories, Craig Pittman introduces readers to the people, creatures, places, and issues that make up the Florida of today, capturing the heart of the nation’s fastest growing state.
This book chronicles a paddling expedition down the restored Kissimmee River, exploring the history and ecology of the region while highlighting the most successful restoration project of its kind in the world.
This book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the geography, history, science, and politics of Florida’s freshwater springs, informing readers about the deep past and current issues facing these natural wonders of the state.
An immersive journey into the stunning beauty, rich biodiversity, and fragile ecosystems of Dry Tortugas National Park, this book combines captivating photographs with insightful narratives to highlight a remote archipelago that has profound ecological significance.
For as long as orchid hybrids have been made, breeders have been naming them after prominent women of the day. Chadwick & Son Orchids has named and presented namesake cattleyas to nineteen consecutive First Ladies. First Ladies and Their Orchids: A Century of Namesake Cattleyas tells the story of these nineteen hybrids and the First Ladies they were named after, from Woodrow Wilson’s second wife, Edith, who coveted “canaries, bourbon, and orchids,” through Doctor Jill Biden, who lives just minutes from the Chadwick home in Wilmington, Delaware.
A guide to the best scenic day hikes and overnight trips along the state-spanning Florida Trail, this book helps readers of all backgrounds and experience levels plan an adventure exploring natural Florida.
This book explores the environmental history of the largest open water estuary in Florida, revealing how people have interacted with nature throughout the long history of Tampa Bay.
In this book, Leslie Poole delves into the stories of explorers and travelers who came to Florida during the past five centuries, looking at their words and the paths they took from the perspective of today.
This book recreates the eighteenth-century Florida exploration of botanist André Michaux, retracing his routes and including in full documentary form all the plants he collected and observed.